and Marlin Spares are trading names of Marlin Spares Ltd.

VAT Registration Number: 467 8339 41

Address: Marlin Spares Ltd, Brookfield House, Brookside, Rolleston on Dove, Staffordshire, DE13 9BD. 

Visitors strictly by appointment only. is a UK based website, selling factory replacement parts to UK Shooters. We have in stock just about all the spare parts you could ever need for your Marlin Rifle, such as Magazines, Hammers, Sights, Stocks, Levers, Springs, Screws, Barrels, Carriers, Extractors, Sears, and Pins to name a few.

All parts are listed by part number – check the schematics in “Knowledge Centre” to find the correct part number.

Please note – only sell parts within the UK (with the exception of the Improved 357 Carrier)

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